2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v8.8
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December 15, 2022 – Sacramento, CA – 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v8.8 is available as of today. An unrestricted access to a public demo environment can be requested here, and as always, you can request a live demo / walk-through at www.2Ring.com/Webex.
Request Your Upgrade
We highly encourage ALL customers to upgrade their 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards to this latest release – request upgrade by opening a support ticket here, and also, to contact their main 2Ring contact with any questions related to our upcoming switch from perpetual licensing to self-hosted and/or cloud subscriptions.
What’s New in DW 8.8 (incl. 8.7)?
- Message Author – a new user role (Message Author) has been added. Users with this business unit role are able to update layout banners (and thus send messages to message tickers / marquees) without the need to grant full layout editing permissions.
- SQL Connector – a native SQL connector that makes it easy create a connection to a 3rd party SQL database on Microsoft SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. This connector also allows administrators to create two types of grid functions (table and query) as well as custom KPI functions (derived from grid functions).
- UCCE/PCCE Connector – added support for AW-HDS-DDS configuration on UCCE. The connector now always calculates Agent state KPIs (e.g., Agents – Ready) and pre-processes parameters for Agents Grids in memory. Overall, we have made performance improvements in all calculations and post-processing steps. With proper sizing of computing power, this can bring the collection and processing loop down below 10 seconds even for deployments with thousands of concurrent agents.
- UCCX Connector – configuration for CTI Data Source has been moved to the GUI.
- License Enforcement – exceeding purchased licenses no longer disables the wallboard connectors. When the number of consumed licenses exceeds number of purchased licenses, the client continues to display newest available data while displaying a license exceeded warning via a small popup at the bottom of the screen.
- Other Additions
- .Net Core 6.0 runtime for all components (.Net Core 2.2 or 3.1 no longer required)
- Connector API has been optimized to shorten iteration durations and 2Ring Connectors can now store their runtime state for optimization purposes to speed up restarts.
- New setting *WebPageIFrameSandboxOptions* in *SecuritySettings.json* governs options available to hosted web pages.
- SQL connections are encrypted by default.
- The unique identifier of users logged in via Azure AD can now be configured to use any of the Azure AD claims (this feature is only available in self-hosted 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards installations and not available in 2Ring Cloud)
- 2Ring Cloud customers can request for 2Ring to enable access to the portal only from specific IP addresses (Source IP whitelisting)
- Security fixes (incl. to 3rd party libraries used by connectors)
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed compatibility issue with iOS 16 devices [8.8]
- Importing a layout multiple times may cause system wide layout errors [8.8]
- Grid based Bar/Line Charts do not apply new Label Axis Column when changed.
- Importing layouts with same theme name causes duplicate themes eventually resulting in layout import failures [8.7]
- Non-administrator users may fail to log out [8.7]
- Calendar does not override BU’s default settings when changing working days directly on segment [8.7]
- Copying a layout with multiple widgets across BU may fail [8.6.1]
Have You Missed Some of Our Previous Updates?
- 8.6 Release Notes – added talking heads (agent detail widgets), floor plans, unlimited number of thresholds (flexible value ranges), present values as images, personalized layouts – presenting different data to different users, and many other usability enhancements.
- 8.5 Release Notes – added word cloud, a new messaging tool (incl. support for displaying temporary announcements/messages), multiline banners/tickers, new color picker, font settings, total rows, alternating row styles, and column presets.
What’s Next?
There is a lot to look forward to, so stay tuned by connecting with us and signing up to our RSS channel, or by following us on social media – LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.