2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse v1.7
2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse Cisco Contact Center Cisco Finesse Release Notes Scripts & Forms UCCE UCCX
by 2Ring · Aug 19, 2014
What’s new in 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse v1.7?
New Features
- The GADGETS use Cisco Finesse language by default – if user chooses a language on Finesse login screen, and the language is supported in 2Ring GADGETS, the user’s choice will be respected and 2Ring GADGETS will also be displayed in that language.
- 2Ring ORCHESTRATOR now listens to 2Ring Scripts & Forms (SF) events – this allows our workflow engine to react to form submission from SF hosted in the BROWSER Gadget. For example, you can thus automatically set an agent to the ready state once s/he submits a form.
- It is also possible to send messages between 2Ring ORCHESTRATOR and a tab in 2Ring BROWSER (and vice versa) – this allows 2Ring ORCHESTRATOR to send commands and information to 3rd party apps hosted in the BROWSER Gadget and to also receive information from these 3rd party apps. A good example would be sending a command to a BlueZone wrapper instructing it to write UserID to the terminal emulation window or for the terminal window to inform 2Ring ORCHESTRATOR about a specific event.
- 2Ring TEAM Gadget comes with a chat transcript – this allow you to record every message received by the TEAM Gadget. Please note that this features requires MS SQL Server. The package includes a default MS RS report to provide for chat transcript viewing (if used, MS SQL Reporting Services is required).