2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse v2.5
2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse Cisco Cisco Finesse Release Notes UCCE UCCX
by 2Ring · Apr 11, 2016
2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse version 2.5 is available as of today – schedule a live demo over Cisco Webex.
New Features
- 2Ring infoPANEL Gadget v2.5
- The Caller Identification section of 2Ring infoPANEL Gadget offers a search box for manual lookups

- Custom actions in the Caller Identification section can now be configured to auto-collapse the section or Dialog Panel as a reaction to other contact center event/action
- 2Ring TEAM Gadget v2.5
- Presence server user identity can now be read from a pre-configured attribute in Active Directory
- PS Integration Configuration has an updated help text section
- It is possible to perform an automated lookup in PS data with any of the available search fields and the first item is automatically selected in the search results
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a UI glitch in the Presence Server settings of TEAM Gadget in Chrome