2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse v3.1 is here!
2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse CX PCCE Release Notes Supervisor UCCE UCCX
by 2Ring · Jan 16, 2017
2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse version 3.1 is available as of today. To learn more, schedule a live demo over Cisco Webex.
New Features
- Simpler Call Trace – introducing an option to hide queues and agent names
- Calls in Queue (UCCX only) – adding a web-based application (possibly hosted inside of 2Ring Browser Gadget) that provides a list of all active calls in all queues or per each queue allowing the agent to pick his/her next call. This is the best way to satisfy the “cherry picking” requirement on the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express platform. Note: Resource Skills Resource Pool Selection Model has to be set on queues for which cherry picking is available.
Here are a few screenshots of 2Ring Call Picking (click on each screenshot to enlarge):
- List of Active Calls:

- Call Picking in Progress:

- Call has been Assigned View: