2Ring Successfully Passes ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification

Bratislava, Slovakia – 2Ring is pleased to announce that 2 Ring, spol. s r.o, the parent company of 2Ring America, Inc., that produces 2Ring software solutions, has successfully passed and been certified to be in compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Standard. This information security management certification applies to 2Ring’s production and sale of software products, and establishes that 2Ring has sufficiently strong safeguards in place to protect data when conducting business with our clients, partners, and stakeholders.
2Ring considers the acquisition of this important certification a big milestone, as we have always considered protecting our clients’ information a top security priority, and continue to do so with this recent certification. “We are very satisfied with our team’s effort during the certification process, and are honored to have received the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification”, says Miroslav Moravek, Managing Director at 2Ring. He adds: “Security is the #1 priority at 2Ring, and receiving this accreditation demonstrates to our customers that 2Ring works diligently to maximize security efforts & protocols on all fronts. This certification was the next step for 2Ring to demonstrate just how seriously we take cyber security of our customers and products.”
2Ring continuously strives to improve our security measures, and the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification is the latest of many steps we undertake to ensure our compliance with industry data protection standards. We look forward to our ongoing efforts in making 2Ring your first choice of a safe, reliable, and trusted contact center technology vendor.
If you have any questions about 2Ring’s ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification or other data protection related matters, visit our contacts page here.
View the ISO certificate here.