We want to thank each and every one of you that made it to Cisco Live!® this year! I think we can all agree that Cisco Live! 2022 was a tremendous success! The turnout was fantastic, and we really enjoyed catching up with everyone after a three-year long hiatus 🙂

The innovations that have surfaced over the past few years are quite staggering, and being able to show our latest feature-rich enhancements for our Dashboards & Wallboards (available for Webex CC), was a great opportunity to showcase our strong and constantly-evolving product portfolio.
Here at 2Ring, we strongly believe in providing customizable solutions to our clients wanting to take their Cisco contact center to the next level, building on an already solid foundation. Our Dashboards & Wallboards and our Gadgets for Cisco Finesse do just that: boosting your contact center’s productivity as well as increasing customer/employee satisfaction, so your business can thrive in an ever-changing and dynamic landscape.
To schedule a personalized demo, click here. We’d love to show our latest product updates 🙂
Cisco Live! Session on 2Ring Wallboards for #WxCC
Ossamah Shabbir delivered a fantastic presentation detailing how our Dashboards & Wallboards can provide business-critical real-time views into your Webex® Contact Center. View Slide Deck.
DW 8.6: Talking Heads and Floor Plans
Introducing a brand-new concept of “Talking Heads” or Widgets, a new type of a segment that is able to display multiple metrics about every agent or queue. Build entire floor plans or just replace existing grids with a new simplified look. Read the Release Notes.
Gadgets for Cisco Finesse 6.1
Set up reoccurring skilling changes on agent level (e.g. Agent A should handle specific chat queue every Tues. 1-4). We also added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and VPN-Less Finesse on UCCE 12.6. Read the Release Notes.
Webex Contact Center
Bring real-time reporting and alerting into your WxCC either from 2Ring Cloud or by keeping 2Ring on premise. Visit the Product Page.
Xbox One Raffle Winner
We are delighted to announce Jeff O. from New York State has won our Cisco Live! raffle! Congratulations Jeff!
Gadgets for Cisco Finesse
Have you seen our new soft phones for Salesforce, Dynamics, and ServiceNow? Visit the Product Page.