Dashboards & Wallboards v8.2, now with Support for WXCC (Cisco Webex Contact Center)
Dashboards DW Layouts Press Release Realtime Reporting Wallboards Webex Contact Center WxCC

2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v8.2 (DW) is available as of today.
- All 2Ring customers are highly encouraged to contact 2Ring support and proactively request an upgrade to the 8.2 release to benefit from a highly improved admin user experience.
- Our Gadgets significantly enhance the agent and supervisor experience with Cisco Finesse®. If you haven’t lately had a look, check out our recently refreshed product page: 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse. DW is included with enhanced and premium bundles, (DW customers adding our Gadgets get a full credit for their previous DW purchase). To schedule a demo, visit 2Ring.com/Demo. Now, Cisco® resellers can also check out 2Ring Gadgets and 2Ring Wallboards in Cisco dCloud UCCX 12.5 (v2). DW8 is also available on Cisco dCloud in a form of an instant demo (CCO Login required for both).
- Unrestricted access to our public demo environment with DW 8.2 can be requested here. Test drive the user experience as an admin of the “Demo Business Unit.” To test with our demo data, you will not have to install anything anywhere. To use your own data, feel free to contact us to request a proof-of-concept deployment.
What’s New in DW 8.2?
- Webex® Contact Center Connector (WXCC) – Introducing a brand-new connector for this new cloud-based contact center platform from Cisco. Check out a sample WXCC layout. There are 273 KPIs (agent service level, agent state, agent stats, queue service level, queue stats, team agent availability, and team stats). There are also 7 different grids, each with many various columns (metrics), and all supporting various filtering options. To learn more and to receive access to a detailed documentation listing all the available metrics and filters, please contact us.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Existing 2Ring customers moving to WXCC can request a free transfer of existing 2Ring licenses for use with WXCC by contacting 2Ring support.

- Historical Grids – Grid calculation functions can provide historical interval data (must be supported by the connector and source platform). From a business perspective, this allows you to show the agent their performance on the current day vs. a previous day or compare a queue’s performance today vs. last a queue’s last week stats.
- Historical Values for Custom KPIs – Custom KPI calculations can now use historical values of its variables (past intervals). This simplifies trend calculations and enables for creation of YTD rates and of similar calculations, e.g., CallsHandledWithinSL_YTD divided by CallsOffered_YTD.
- Licensing Alerts – New 2Ring connectors (WXCC, the Genesys Cloud CX™ platform) now provide consumed license count and iteration duration as a KPI. This can be used for monitoring of the consumed license count and iteration duration in real time as well as to track the history of these KPIs. Since the consumed license count is a KPI, notification rules can be defined to send alerts (via email, or text, or to a wallboard banner/ticker) if it approaches its limit. Support for licensing alerts will be added to all the existing connectors in the coming weeks.
- Delayed License Check – Licensing check no longer causes the connector to stop working if consumed licenses count goes over limit immediately. Instead, 2Ring now waits for an hour before it stops functioning. This extra hour helps overcome short-lived license overflows during shift changes.
- Minor Usability Improvements – These are a small step for 2Ring, but a huge improvement for users:
- The current Business Unit as well as the Business unit of the Current User is always displayed in title bar of the client app.
- The client now remembers its scroll position in the layout list within a Business Unit. This is very helpful when user is going through the layout list and searching for a particular layout. Once done checking out a layout, upon return to the layout list, the user is automatically returned to the place where the last viewed layout is listed (and doesn’t have to start at the top/beginning again).
- New Connector Architecture – It is now easier than ever to implement new custom connectors. 2Ring DW provides a Windows service, UI for s connector’s management, UI for a connector’s settings, and data encryption. None of that needs be implemented on the connector’s side anymore:
- A new connector API has been introduced that enables connectors to retrieve calculation requirements and to supply calculation results.
- A new connector hosting service has been introduced that uses the connector API to talk to DW and hosts connector DLL instances.
- Custom connectors can be implemented in .net core and hosted in the connector hosting service.
- Connectors built using the new infrastructure can be installed/upgraded using a new, simplified mechanism.
- New/updated calculation functions can be added without the need to upgrade a connector. These can be either manually registered or bulk imported from a definition file in the admin tool. Connectors can use metadata stored in DW to describe and execute calculation functions not known at connector build time.
- Legacy connectors can still use previous communication mechanisms.
- Connectors can share API keys.
- Some other minor yet useful enhancements:
- Enumerable parameter values can be manually refreshed in admin tool – in other words, if you are in a hurry, after a new queue or agent was created, these can be synced manually to DW configuration with a click of a button (no need to wait until automatic synchronization brings these in at the scheduled interval).
- The time zone resolution mechanism has been updated to only consider the time zone set at the business unit level or at the calculation level. Time zone set at the connector level is not considered for calculations anymore.
- Timespan-based KPIs can now emit sub-second values (useful for performance troubleshooting.)
- Enumerable parameter types can define a separator character/string to define how the values are joined/split (we previously used “,” – and so that can be now changed to any other character). These separators are used for both importing the enumerable parameter values from the source system as well as for passing multiple values in a parameter to its calculation.
- The import of enumerable parameter values has been drastically optimized resulting in more than 100 times faster import execution.
- Evaluation of custom calculations has been optimized, resulting in up to 8 times shorter execution times.
Ready to Upgrade?
All 2Ring customers are highly encouraged to upgrade to 8.x as this release does not require the presence of Microsoft Silverlight anymore. Most of 2Ring customers can get DW upgraded under existing support coverage without any additional charges. All existing customers can request their wallboards to get upgraded by opening a ticket, requesting an upgrade here.
Have you missed some of our previous releases?
8.0 Release Notes – a brand new admin client with support for additional languages, a log browser, support for alerts delivered via texting and IM notifications, and more.
What’s Next?
In the coming weeks, we will be adding a new connector for the Genesys Cloud CX™ platform, and after that we plan to release multiple updates to our current connectors (adding support for additional metrics, enabling additional license filtering, and improving performance).