Successfully Passing ISO/IEC Certification ..
2Ring is pleased to announce that 2 Ring, spol. s r.o, the parent company of 2Ring America, Inc., that produces 2Ring software solutions, has successfully passed and been certified to be in compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Standard. This information security management certification applies to 2Ring’s production and sale of software products, and establishes that 2Ring has sufficiently strong safeguards in place to protect data when conducting business with our clients, partners, and stakeholders ..

One of Europe’s fastest-growing companies ..
2Ring becomes one of Fastest-Growing Companies in Europe for the year 2020. Thanks to our customers and resellers worldwide, 2Ring was able to accelerate its growth, offering an even wider array of solutions tailored to our clients’ business needs ..

Awarded the Most Innovative Agent Tool ..
2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse received an award from Cisco Systems for the Most Innovative Agent Tool of 2018. The award ceremony was held during Cisco Customer Journey Solutions Sales Summit in Athens, Greece in early November of 2018 ..

Introduced to Cisco SolutionsPlus Program ..
2Ring signs Cisco Solutions Plus agreement. 2Ring products for @CiscoCC are now part of Cisco’s price list ..

Cisco Solutions Preferred Partner ..
2Ring becomes Cisco Solutions Preferred Partner.

North American Office ..
2Ring America, Inc. is formed in Sacramento, CA to serve resellers and customers in Americas and APAC ..

Again Among the Fastest Growing Companies ..
2Ring is again ranked among the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Central and Eastern Europe, according to the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE. 2Ring’s revenue has broke the 2,000,000 USD mark ..

Deloitte Fast 50 CE ..
2Ring is ranked among the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Central and Eastern Europe, according to the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE ..

Largest IP Telephony and Contact Center Portfolio ..
2Ring unites the IP Telephony Applications Development Team from NET-SYSTEM s.r.o. in the Czech Republic and the IP Telephony Applications Development Division of Tronet, a.s. in Slovakia. As a result of this unification, 2Ring opens a branch in Liberec, Czech Republic and shifts its primary focus and starts to offer the largest portfolio of IP Telephony and Contact Center applications in the Central Europe ..

2Ring is Founded ..
Ondrej Smolar and Vladimir Sikura establish 2Ring in Slovakia on May 16, 2001.
The company is focused on providing contact center services for the next three years.